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Wild Therapy

Wild therapy is an approach developed by Nick Totton and carried forward by many others.
It can take any form you choose but often involves being outdoors. We can go for a walk and talk as we go, or find a particular spot to sit in. Something might draw your attention, a tree, rock or stream for example, or, the changing topography of the landscape might speak to you in a certain way. These impressions may inform the issues you are exploring and give you new perspectives, helping you progress in the therapeutic work.
Wild Therapy can simply be an invitation to open up your senses and notice what comes into your awareness that seems significant to the situation you are working with. In this way the environment becomes a co-therapist in the session.
For more information please visit

Obadiah Wood, Cornholme


It is to our detriment that we live in a culture that does not honour the
internal world. In many cultures the internal world of dreams, feelings,
images and sensations is sacred.”
(Levine, 1997: 188)

Shamanism uses visualisation to journey to upper and lower realms (also known as parts of the unconscious) with the purpose of gaining or restoring power, extracting unwanted or intrusive energy and retrieving lost parts of the soul.
Medicine walking is a shamanic practice where time is spent in nature with a specific intention, and receptivity to guidance and communication from the land is cultivated.I run workshops for groups and individuals on medicine walking and mirroring, as well as offering individual sessions on journey work.


2017 – 2018 Wild Therapy a one-year course with Jayne Johnson and Stephen Tame
2005 – 2008 Shamanic Therapy and the Creative Arts, a three-year training with the Coventina School of Shamanic Therapy, Northumberland.

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